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The Strategy

The Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy seeks to support compact growth and realise sustainable economic, social and environmental opportunities in Ennis and Clare over the next 20 years. The purpose of the strategy is to guide the long-term development of our county town, Ennis, and highlight investment opportunities that will deliver competitive advantage over the short, medium and long term. The strategy capitalises on the strengths, addresses the challenges and puts in place an economic and spatial plan that will facilitate the delivery of the vision for Ennis:

"Ennis will strengthen its role as a key regional economic driver and major tourist destination in the Mid-West through the expansion and diversification of its economic offering and by capitalising on the strength of its significant architectural, cultural and historic heritage. It's growth will be based on the '10 Minute Town' concept with the Town Centre at the heart of this highly accessible and revitalised Ennis - the focus for retail, residential, commercial, educational, leisure and cultural growth. Ennis will support, enhance and utilise its existing natural assets to lead the way as 'Ireland's First Climate Adaptive Town' and to create an accessible place of quality."

This approach has identified opportunities for Ennis to focus on certain areas as outlined below, which will align with national policy, respond to the particular attributes of the town, diversify the offer and create a sustainable pattern for future growth.

As a long-term strategy, it will not only transform the town as a great place to live and visit but also position Ennis and Clare as an attractive investment location creating future jobs in the region. Clare County Council, through the Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy, has set out ambitious growth targets for economic development in Ennis. The strategy envisages that the population of Ennis will grow on average by 1.6% per annum to approximately 37,000 people by 2040. Furthermore, the plan proposes the prioritisation of sustainable economic activities by focusing on existing assets and creating a competitive offer unique to Ennis that will deliver an additional 5,000 jobs by 2040.

Page last reviewed: 20/10/21

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